true or false : Enables outline shader. true or false : If enabled uncensor UV data will be adjusted to work with body texture from skintexmod
true or false : Will instead of replacing the textures, insert it self in front of the built in compiler and output the results to Output folder in SkinTexMod, output is limited to 1024x1024 png. Texture format : followed by Texture filename.
FemaleEyeShadowTex Female Eye Shadow Texture.FemaleEyeHiLightTex Eye High Light Texture, Right eye is optional.EyeWhiteTex Eye White Texture, Right eye is optional.Texture format : followed by Left Eye Texture filename:Right Eye Texture Filename. IrisTex Eye Iris Texture(s), Right eye is optional.Texture format : followed by Texture filename : 0 or 1 for mipmaps : 0 or 1 for gamma or linear colorspace You do not need to provide all the textures, recommended min Body/Face for Direct injecting so you have matching head/body.Overlay: Up-scales default compiled texture to Injecting texture(s) resolution preserving Suntan,Mole,Tattoo etc and Overlays Injecting Texture(s) on top based on Alpha channel. Direct: replaces skin texture completely ignoring most textures that are compiled before game play ie.